Elections come with promises...promises give hope...and who else can be more vulnerable to that emotion... women.. . and one promise that tempts any woman is an assured presence in a given situation....bt is it right to ASK for a position??.. especially now when women are considered to be equal to men in many aspects...
The key word is in the phrase though is not equal... it is considered...
it is but an illlusion... an excuse to mask reality... what happens in reality is the knowing exclusion of the feminine gender from any activity that could cause 'inconvinience' to the progestrone nurtured ego of men... Competition is one thing but the deprivation of oppurtunity just because the idea of a girl in a certain situation is deemed inappropriate or much worse irksome, is quite another..
so what do we do to change our current situation? should we change the attitude of men... who have never missed a chance to belittle a woman of calibre or should we make a stand and be 'THE inconvience' they aldready perceive us to be.
we ask for reservation coz...
the laziness of men is not an excuse to deprive a woman of her oppurtunity....
the ego of men is not a tool to toy a woman's emotion with...
the incapability of men should not be hidden behind the veil 'its not for women'.
we ask for reservation not to grab a chunck of the cake, but to get a fair chance to have a bite.